For Shah Rukh Khan, 50 is the new 30. The Bollywood superstar continues to rule even when many at his age are preparing for second innings in their lives. SRK has left his rivals behind to acquire the top position in the 2015 Forbes India Celebrity 100 List. With a whopping 257.5 crore earning this year, he made the highest any celebrity made in the last four years. And making his contemporaries further jealous, SRK's earnings are 9 percent of the total wealth of the top 100 celebrities this year — Rs 2,819 crore!.
The Badshah of Bollywood wrested the slot from names like Salman Khan and Amitabh Bachchan who are behind him in the ranking. With big ticket films like Dilwale, Fan and Raees lined up in the coming months, Shah Rukh has made it clear that he will drop his one-film-a-year schedule and do around three films from now on. That would happen with a calculated strategy, where he will do middle-of-the-road, lower budget movies only after balancing it out with one big blockbuster a year. Of course, we know what a smart business sense he has.
ShahRukh Khan said:
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The Forbes India rankings are based on a comprehensive score, taking into consideration the earnings and fame ranks of celebrities. After topping the 2013 list, Shah Rukh lost out to Salman last year. While the two Khans kept battling for the top slot, Big B got a numero uno in the popularity or fame index. With about 17.5 million followers on Twitter, the highest-ever for any celebrity on the list, the 73-year-old icon has a lesson on how to deal with fans.
The much awaited list, despite all fluctuation, does leave the readers excited. It's never a dull moment when it is about the Forbes List, is it?
The Badshah of Bollywood wrested the slot from names like Salman Khan and Amitabh Bachchan who are behind him in the ranking. With big ticket films like Dilwale, Fan and Raees lined up in the coming months, Shah Rukh has made it clear that he will drop his one-film-a-year schedule and do around three films from now on. That would happen with a calculated strategy, where he will do middle-of-the-road, lower budget movies only after balancing it out with one big blockbuster a year. Of course, we know what a smart business sense he has.
ShahRukh Khan said:
"I had always promised myself that at the age of 50 I will do films for myself. One has to write such films as well. And I don’t write films. Yes, there will be a commercial film as well, but now I am also going to do the cinema I want to do. So I will do 3 films a year. So with one big movie like Dilwale which takes 160 days to make, you do other ones like Raees and Fan. I have much more to offer as an artiste to myself. Also, now I get bored if a film takes too long to complete. So after 3 months, once I have cracked the code and understood it all, then I feel I am done with it. I don't get excited then. I want to make four or five key films in my career for which I would like to be remembered by my children, not anyone else."
The Forbes India rankings are based on a comprehensive score, taking into consideration the earnings and fame ranks of celebrities. After topping the 2013 list, Shah Rukh lost out to Salman last year. While the two Khans kept battling for the top slot, Big B got a numero uno in the popularity or fame index. With about 17.5 million followers on Twitter, the highest-ever for any celebrity on the list, the 73-year-old icon has a lesson on how to deal with fans.
The much awaited list, despite all fluctuation, does leave the readers excited. It's never a dull moment when it is about the Forbes List, is it?
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