Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has documented his push to bring US investments and jobs back to India on his Facebook and Twitter pages since landing in the United States this week, posting photos with the likes of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and group shots with Fortune 500 CEOs.
A rare visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi this weekend has captivated his extensive fan club in the area and commanded the attention of major US technology companies eager to extend their reach into a promising overseas market.
Narender Modi envisions a "Digital India,'' where ubiquitous high-speed internet access will empower entrepreneurs to build software and other technology products that will raise the standard of living in a country where many households are still impoverished.
Narender Modi arrival Saturday will mark the first time an Indian head of state has been in California in 33 years, turning his appearance into a cause for celebration among the tens of thousands of Indian immigrants living and working in Silicon Valley.
Many other technology workers born in India, both Nadella and Pichai came to the US to study engineering. Asians now hold 25% to 43% of the US technology jobs at Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook, according to the companies' most recent disclosures. The racial breakdowns don't specify what percentage of the companies' Asian workforce is Indian, but they all acknowledge it's a significant number.
According to a 2014 study by Professor Vivek Wadhwa of Stanford University, around 15 per cent of start-ups in Silicon Valley were by Indians who comprise just 6 per cent of the Valley's working population.
Narender Moid government has raised privacy fears with a proposal that would have required internet users to save unencrypted copies of their texts and posts on social networks, an idea that Wadhwa describes as a blunder conceived by lower-level bureaucrats in India.
Check How India Benefited From Narender Moid Foreign Visits:
What India Benefited From Narender Modi Foreign Visits
President Barack Obama is the only elected leader more popular on those influential networks than Narender Modi, who boasts more than 15 million Twitter followers and more than 30 million Facebook fans. Narender Modi regularly shares his thoughts on both communication channels.
A rare visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi this weekend has captivated his extensive fan club in the area and commanded the attention of major US technology companies eager to extend their reach into a promising overseas market.
Narender Modi envisions a "Digital India,'' where ubiquitous high-speed internet access will empower entrepreneurs to build software and other technology products that will raise the standard of living in a country where many households are still impoverished.
Narender Modi arrival Saturday will mark the first time an Indian head of state has been in California in 33 years, turning his appearance into a cause for celebration among the tens of thousands of Indian immigrants living and working in Silicon Valley.
Many other technology workers born in India, both Nadella and Pichai came to the US to study engineering. Asians now hold 25% to 43% of the US technology jobs at Google, Apple, Microsoft and Facebook, according to the companies' most recent disclosures. The racial breakdowns don't specify what percentage of the companies' Asian workforce is Indian, but they all acknowledge it's a significant number.
According to a 2014 study by Professor Vivek Wadhwa of Stanford University, around 15 per cent of start-ups in Silicon Valley were by Indians who comprise just 6 per cent of the Valley's working population.
Narender Moid government has raised privacy fears with a proposal that would have required internet users to save unencrypted copies of their texts and posts on social networks, an idea that Wadhwa describes as a blunder conceived by lower-level bureaucrats in India.
Check How India Benefited From Narender Moid Foreign Visits:
What India Benefited From Narender Modi Foreign Visits
President Barack Obama is the only elected leader more popular on those influential networks than Narender Modi, who boasts more than 15 million Twitter followers and more than 30 million Facebook fans. Narender Modi regularly shares his thoughts on both communication channels.
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